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Customer Stories

NHS Foundation Trust

This NHS Foundation Trust wanted to help staff approaching retirement to stay engaged and healthy.

NHS LearningNHS Learning


CNTW NHS Foundation Trust


Health & Wellbeing: Healthcare

Date of activity


The challenge

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) is one of the largest mental health and disability NHS Trusts in England; employing more than 7,000 staff and serving a population of approximately 1.7 million, spread over 4,800 square miles.

With an understanding of the magnitude of issues arising over the next few years due to our growing ageing population, CNTW were keen to support their staff to understand how to plan, adapt and manage retirement.

They want people to learn simple steps to stay healthy, active and happy in their later working life; and want people to learn that they can keep working if they stay healthy in both mind and body.

The solution

Learning with Experts, in conjunction with Sir Muir Gray, former Chief Knowledge Officer at the NHS, have produced a training programme to support practitioners and the public in understanding and engaging in the ageing process in a positive way.

The program has been rolled out to managers and staff aged over 60, before rolling out to 55-60 year olds in 2023.

A new course is planned to engage with 45-55 year olds in the organisation.

At CNTW, we have a large number of staff who are over 55 years of age and these bite sized modules are perfect to encourage them to build effective activities into their lifestyle leading up to and throughout retirement. We are really pleased to be working with Live Longer Better and Learning with Experts to support our staff as they move towards this important milestone in their lives.Lynne Shaw, Executive Director of Workforce and OD NHS Foundation Trust CNTW

What next?

We're working with CNTW and other NHS Trusts to apply the same principles to their staff and the populations that they serve. We're on a mission to improve healthy life expectancy - reducing the demand for health and social care and benefiting both individuals and society.

The results

Staff and practicioners across CNTW's area have taken the course and applied their new skills and knowledge into their work and lifestyle.

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